The University of Vienna was founded by Duke Rudolph IV in 1365. It is the oldest university in the German-speaking world and one of the largest in Central Europe. Currently, about 91,000 students are enrolled at the University of Vienna. 188 courses can be taken, of which 56 are Bachelor Programmes, 117 Master Programmes, 4 Diploma Programmes and 11 PhD Programmes. With staff of 9,400 employees, 6,700 of whom are academic, the University of Vienna is the largest teaching and research institution in Austria. It aims to sustain a wide range of studies, but at the same time to promote new and innovative fields of research, and to establish new networks between subjects. From 363 European partner universities, the University of Vienna has entered into an ERASMUS-Partnership with 350 universities. Students from approximately 130 countries attend more than 10,000 lectures at the University of Vienna every year.
faculty staff and students
Number of academic faculty staff | Number of students | Number of international students | |||
In total | 3411 | In total | 45967 | In total | 14468 |
International | 1400 | Postgraduate | 40% | Postgraduate | 44% |
Undergraduate | 60% | Undergraduate | 56% |
维也纳大学由哈布内斯王朝亲王鲁道尔夫四世于1365年建立。它是德语世界最古老的大学,也是中欧规模最大的大学之一。目前,维也纳大学有大约9万1千名在校生,188门。其中学士计划56个,硕士计划117个,4个文凭计划和11个博士计划。9千4百名员工,专业人员6千7百人,是奥地利规模最大的教学和科研机构。维也纳大学的目标是提供众多学科课程,同时倡导创新领域研究,在学科之间建立新联系。维也纳大学在欧洲有363个伙伴大学,并且参与了伊拉斯谟 计划,与350所大学有伙伴关系。每年,维也纳大学面向近130个国家招生,每年有1万多个讲座。
专业教员人数 | 学生人数 | 国际学生人数 | |||
总共 | 3411 | 总共 | 45967 | 总共 | 14468 |
国际教员 | 1400 | 研究生占比 | 40% | 研究生占比 | 44% |
本科生占比 | 60% | 本科生占比 | 56% |
When the Philosophical Faculty was the first institution of the University of Vienna to open itself to the enrolment of women in the academic year of 1897/98, more than 500 years had already passed since the university’s founding.
At first, three women enrolled. The ratio of women to men at that point was 1:183. Today – varying by discipline – one can speak of a ratio of about 1:1.
Up to the 1880s the “low cerebral capacity” of women was used as a scientific argument against their admission to the studies. The capabilities of individual women were seen as exceptions and one cautioned against extrapolating from their abilities to the general population. However, progress could not be stopped. In 1900, only three years later, women were also admitted to the Medical Faculty.
In the course of this, a linguistically and culturally varied picture presented itself. The female student body was not only made up of women from mainly German-speaking parts of the monarchy, but instead – particularly in medicine – the number of female students from Galicia had surpassed that of those from Vienna. With the political changes, especially in the 1930s, this picture was transformed as well. In regard to the studied subjects, a focus on philosophy followed by psychology and pedagogy can be observed. This was due to, on the one hand, the philosophical oral exam being mandatory for all doctoral studies in the humanities and natural sciences, and on the other hand to the fact that these subjects were also compulsory for all teacher training studies, which were attended by a large percentage of women.
In 1918/19, the year in which women also received the right to vote in the newly proclaimed Austrian Republic, the ban on women’s enrolment fell at the Faculty of Law, the study at which was a prerequisite for almost all higher public official positions as well as the entry requirement for the legal professions. A little later, in 1923, women were also allowed to study at the Faculty of Protestant Theology, with the Faculty of Catholic Theology following suit in 1945. Compared to other European countries, Austria was the last country apart from Prussia to admit women to universities.